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更新时间:2024-04-11 12:54


  Danny Rose(伍迪·艾伦 Woody Allen 饰)曾经是一个演员,后来成了一个百老汇的演出经纪人。他挖掘过不少有潜力的新人,但这些人后来都离开了他。最近,他又在力捧一个已婚的男歌手Lou Canova(Nick Apollo Forte 饰)。Lou和一个叫Tina(米亚·法罗 Mia Farrow 饰)有着婚外情。Danny帮Lou争取到了一次在Milton Berle面前的机会,这能够让Lou的事业更上一层楼。十分紧张的Lou要求Tina到时必须在场,并让Danny去把Tina带来并且伪装成Tina的男朋友。Danny找到Tina,却卷入了Tina和她的前男友的纠纷中。前男友认定是Danny抢走了Tina,于是让他的两个当打手的兄弟去报复Danny。Danny和Tina经过重重磨难终于到达演出现场,Lou的演出也十分成功。然而,Lou却在Tina的怂恿下准备离开Danny,投靠另一个经纪人......


 1 ) I don't think that would be such a great idea

之前总以为似乎只要看过一部导演4到5部片子就算是对其很熟悉了,斯科塞斯、诺兰、蔡明亮、今敏,莫不如是。然而Woody Allen似乎完全不适用法则,老爷子实在是拍了太多片子。
全片一开头通过一场餐厅内的交谈来引出Danny Rose这个角色,然后我们就看到了一个只为自己艺人着想,一心一意服务于他人的非典型性Woody Allen角色。
直到最后众人齐聚一堂,表演完美落幕,艾伦突然被解聘之时影片显示出了其特殊之处。心灰意冷的Allen并未得到很多镜头来获得观众的同情,他前去医院给朋友说会替对方支付医药费时更像是对自我的一种安慰。直到这个时候忽然觉得Danny Rose其实就是我们每一个人,或者说我自己也有过Danny Rose的这种失意的感觉。此时已经距全片结束没有很久了,心里很是急切想知道Danny Rose到底会怎么样,他会怎样去面对事业上的挫折,结果导演硬是只讲Tina怎么和他人分分合合。当看到梅西百货游行时的充气人偶时,导演、Tina、观众总算都同时想到了那位可爱卑微的人。
其实当Tina敲响的门时心里还是有些期望两人可以走到一起,虽然这样的话剧情会很俗套。Danny Rose用自己的眼神表达了自己的无奈,没有怪罪,没有苛责,有的只是一句对自己窘迫现状的调侃。全片最后处那场街道追逐戏真真的拍出了纽约的美,纷飞的大雪下他追上了她,轻轻拍了拍肩,道一声原谅,相携而去。感恩节就是这么简单。
黑白色的摄影风格使得本片显得诗意很多,其实本片正正经经的只讲了Danny Rose的一件事,但却丝毫不影响这个人物的真实性。Broadway Danny Rose这部片论整体性真的只在7-8分的水平,但就是结尾这出感恩节的戏让人看完一整天都还晃不过神来。我希望自己能是Danny Rose,能有机会面对这番经历,识得Mia Farrow般的美女子;我希望自己能是Danny Rose,能诚诚恳恳以己之心对待他人;我希望自己能是Danny Rose,能在学会爱与不爱之前就有一颗懂得宽恕的心;我希望自己能是Danny Rose,在开门的那一刹那有勇气说出那句“I don't think that would be such a great idea”

 2 ) 百老汇丹尼玫瑰


接受 宽恕 爱,人生的意义皆在此三点---丹尼他叔

这部片子拍的是一个美国版的雷锋叔叔的故事,当然了雷锋叔叔生活在一个商业社会里就会跟我们的原版不太一样,不过为人民服务的原则没有动摇,换成了美式英语就是AFL (Accept-Forgive-Love)

 3 ) 无营养影评

跟Woody Allen更早期的比起来,其实还是蛮大区别的。这部电影的他尽管还是唠唠叨叨,但是基本没有晦涩难懂的政治、哲理类的讨论。(至少没有中文字幕我还是看懂了绝大部分。)
Danny Rose一直风尘仆仆,为表演出心出力,他发掘的人还是相继离开他,另觅出路。他还要为他培养的演唱者哄女人,还要为这个女人冒那么大的险,真是很符合描述小人物电影的一般规律---悲剧再悲剧,怎也挡不住。但是结局居然有点温情的成分。
除了主角本身还是很Woody Allen之外,其实这故事不是特别的他的风格。

 4 ) 路边的爱


 5 ) 两句比较喜欢的台词

1.You know what my philosophy of life is? That it's important to have some laughs, no question about it, but you gotta suffer a little too' because, otherwise you miss the whole point to life. And that's how I feel.

2. Just let me say one thing. My uncle Sidney - lovely uncle, dead, completely - used to say three things. He used to say: Acceptance, forgiveness and love. And *that* is a philosophy of life: Acceptance, forgiveness and love.

 6 ) [Film Review] Zelig (1983) and Broadway Danny Rose (1984)

Allen’s ‘80s black-and-white features x 2, ZELIG is a gimmick film, a mockumentary germinated from the inventive idea of a “human chameleon”, but the real star is DP Gordon Willis’ Promethean genius of inserting characters into archival footage and the application of rendering the newly shot footage a ’20’s archival veneer, to the astonishing effect of total harmony and verisimilitude (although the one with Hitler is a bust, the actor’s resemblance is wide of the mark), and to that purpose, ZELIG is an exceptional specimen of cinematic alchemy.

Structure-wise, the whole pseudo-documentary format is devised with the full treatment, like Bob Fosse’s raw and edgy biopic LENNY (1974). Apart from punctiliously coaxed archival footage, retro-style home videos, Allen also uses real-life personages and actors (who play the fictional characters) to give their candid interviews of the subject, you almost believe what they say if the words are spoken from Susan Sontag or Saul Bellow, among other authority figures.

That said, ZELIG’s technical extraordinariness (include half a dozen coined Zelig-themed songs penned by Dick Hyman, that can surely widen your smile) cannot belie the script’s prevailing plainness and archness, it is a missed opportunity for Allen not to fully satirize and assess Zelig’s rise-and-fall in relation to the American society at large and elicit more heady reverberations.

Allen plays Leonard Zelig, a mousy, anonymous guy who can transform his appearance according to his surroundings (Allen is not equipped to show you an actual transformation process, what you get is the simple outcome, he can be black, oriental, Hebrew or corpulent, in correspondent with those who are near him), and becomes a national sensation for his inexplicable “super power”, a cash cow for his instant family, but as an individual, he is miserable and neglect, eventually Zelig’s psychological condition is cured by psychiatrist Dr. Eudora Nesbitt Fletcher (Farrow), through quite a lot psychobabble and mesmerism.

When the story heads to a romantic direction, it betrays Allen’s own limits, not everything ought to be nailed down with a man making a conquest of a woman’s heart. Plus the final trans-Atlantic aviation exploit is so far-fetched that he doesn’t even care to arrange any visual stunt to validate that cockamamie bilge. With its succinct length (79 minutes), ZELIG soars high but crash-lands with a whimper.

BROADWAY DANNY ROSE, released one year after, is about another Allenesque character, Danny Rose (Allen), a talent agent touts unpopular entertainers (balloon formers, a musician working with glasses, a stuttering ventriloquist, just to name a few). When one of his clients, a washed-up lounge singer Lou Canova (Forte, a hearty fellow) has a career revival due to the nostalgic fad, Danny needs to act as a beard of Lou’s mistress Tina Vitale (Farrow), so he can bring her to attend Lou’s big gig in the presence of Milton Berle (as himself), it could be a real breakthrough.

But Tina is not a meek kitten, and this innocuous act backfires, after unwisely go to a party of her ex-Italian lover, Tina and Danny soon are on the run from mafia hitmen. As a self-proclaimed landlocked Jew, Danny is foisted to go aboard a ship (how atrocious!), and later, he and Tina must wiggle their way out of being tied up together (who can stand the torture of upward-and-downward close movements?). But there is another hammer blow awaits Danny when they're out of harm's way, does anyone wonder why he always scrapes the barrel?

Allen is his usual gabby alter ego, you might feel amused or scream “shut up” for his persistent quotes of his Jewish relatives and his penchant for “asking permission to interject”. Against her type, Farrow smartly plays this superstitious Italian broad with forcefulness and ambivalence, plus a layer of her uncharacteristic va-va-voom. Tina is a shallow woman, in the same sense that Lou is a shallow man, but after encountering Danny, she is transformed, even sublimed by his immanent kindness and sophistication (and being the high priest of sapio-sexuality, Allen actually put the exact words into Tina’s mouth), her guilt conscience overcomes the temptation of life on easy street, she becomes a fuller human and Danny’s equal.

Here, the frame device is a gathering of several comedians (Jackie Gayle, Morty Gunty, Corbett Monica, among others) lunching at New York's Carnegie Deli, and Danny’s story is recounted as an anecdotal divertissement, Allen always has a knack of such trimmings (remember the Greek chorus in MIGHT APHRODITE, 1995), and both ZELIG and BROADWAY DANNY ROSE has style, scale, wit and profuse amity and gags in offer, they are among Allen’s most innovative works and can put you under a nostalgic spell of the halcyon days.

referential entries: Allen’s THE PURPLE ROSE OF CAIRO (1985, 8.2/10); BULLETS OVER BROADWAY (1994, 8.1/10); Bob Fosse’s LENNY (1974, 8.6/10).

Title: Zelig
Year: 1983
Country: USA
Language: English, German
Genre: Comedy
Director/Screenwriter: Woody Allen
Music: Dick Hyman
Cinematography: Gordon Willis
Editing: Susan E. Morse
Woody Allen
Mia Farrow
Deborah Rush
Mary Louise Wilson
John Rothman
Susan Sontag
Saul Bellow
Peter McRobbie
Rating: 7.4/10

Title: Broadway Danny Rose
Year: 1984
Country: USA
Language: English
Genre: Comedy
Director/Screenwriter: Woody Allen
Music: Dick Hyman
Cinematography: Gordon Willis
Editing: Susan E. Morse
Woody Allen
Mia Farrow
Nick Apollo Forte
Edwin Bordo
Paul Greco
Frank Renzulli
Gina DeAngeles
Herb Reynolds
Sandy Richman
Gerald Schoenfeld
Olga Barbato
David Kieserman
Sandy Baron
Corbett Monica
Jackie Gayle
Morty Gunty
Will Jordan
Howard Storm
Jack Rollins
Milton Berle
Rating: 7.5/10


早期的纯喜剧作品之一,虽然不像他的代表作那么Woody-Alleny,但是非常轻松搞笑,而且是我看过他演出较精彩的一部,因为演的是一个不是他(纽约上东区的知识分子)但是他却很熟悉(Woody曾一度在comedy club演出)的角色,大量的手势加三板斧的笑话再配上他最熟悉的Brooklyn Jewish accent,活灵活现。

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3.5;伍迪老头说他最爱下雨,在雨色苍茫中踽踽独行,在飞舞的雪花中勇敢地追上去,在一次次失败中拾起自己的人生,无论怎样失意,总有一个人突然就懂得了你的全世界并心心念念。再次讲述一个小人物故事,结构很棒,每个人提供的“段子”拼凑成一个并不真实的Danny Rose,却最终成为传奇。上台前3S:“star、smile、strong”。

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