

四个毕业生 剧照 NO.1四个毕业生 剧照 NO.2四个毕业生 剧照 NO.3四个毕业生 剧照 NO.4四个毕业生 剧照 NO.5四个毕业生 剧照 NO.6四个毕业生 剧照 NO.13四个毕业生 剧照 NO.14四个毕业生 剧照 NO.15四个毕业生 剧照 NO.16四个毕业生 剧照 NO.17四个毕业生 剧照 NO.18四个毕业生 剧照 NO.19四个毕业生 剧照 NO.20
更新时间:2023-11-14 00:23


莉莲娜(薇诺娜·瑞德 Winona Ryder 饰)和薇琪(詹尼安·吉劳法罗 Janeane Garofalo 饰)是大学时代的好友,如今,早已毕业的两人依旧维持着室友兼好友的亲密关系。一次意外的车祸中,莉莲娜结识了英俊帅气的麦克(本·斯蒂勒 Ben Stiller 饰),一见钟情的两人开始了稳定的恋爱关系。   莉莲娜的铁杆好友特洛伊(伊桑·霍克 Ethan Hawke 饰)再一次的丢掉了工作,无处可去的他只得转向伊莲娜寻求庇护。特洛伊对伊莲娜的感情显然早已经超越了友情,所以,对于她和麦克之间的腻歪,特洛伊表现出了明确的不满。这边的三人纠缠不休,那边的薇琪也有着自己的烦恼,童年阴影让她对婚姻和爱情不再抱有幻想。还有他们共同的好友山姆(史蒂夫·茨恩 Steve Zahn 饰),身为同性恋者的他必须绞尽脑汁来隐藏自己的身份。


 1 ) Some quotes

I was really gonna be something by the age of 23.
Honey, all you have to be by the age of 23 is yourself.
I don't know who that is anymore.
Well, I do. And we all love her. I love her. She breaks my heart again and again, but…, but I love her.

Well, I'm sorry, Lelaina, but you can't navigate me. I might do mean things, and I might hurt you, and I might run away without your permission, and you might hate me forever. And I know that scares the shit out of you, because I'm the only real thing that you have.

一切都太相似 感同身受的情感体验谁都夺不走
多想再拥有一个能在身边告诉我all you have to be is yourself的人

 2 ) C'est la vie

四个毕业生兴奋地怀揣着手中的大学毕业生和心中的理想,走入社会,迷乱中体验着工作,爱情,生活的得与失,C'est la vie,谁也逃不了,逃不了就要去面对,我们都是这样长大成熟.
You see,Laney,this is all we need:a couple of smokes,a cup of coffee and a little bit of conversation.

 3 ) Stay (i missed you)

stay (i missed you)
 歌手:lisa loeb 专辑:reality bites
You say I only hear what I want to
And you say I talk so all the time-so

And I thought what I felt was simple
And I thought that I don't belong
And now that I am leaving
Now I know that I did something wrong cause I missed you
Yeah, I missed you

And you say I only hear what I want to
I don't listen hard
I don't pay attention to the distance that you're running or to
Anyone, anywhere
I don't understand if you really care
I'm only hearing negative, no no no - bad

So I turned the radio on I turned the radio up
And this woman was singing my song
The lover's in love and the other's run away
The lover is crying cause the other won't stay
And some of us hover when we weep for the other who was dying
Since the day they were born well
Well this is not that
I think that I'm throwing but I'm thrown

And I thought I'd live forever but now I'm not so sure
You try to tell me that I'm clever but that won't take me anyhow
Or anywhere with you

And you said that I was naive
And I thought that I was strong
I thought "hey I can leave, I can leave"
But now I know that I was wrong cause I missed you
Yeah I missed you

You said "you caught me cause you want me
And one day I'll let you go"
You try to give away a keeper or keep me cause you know
You're just too scared to lose

And you say, "stay"

You say I only hear what I want to

 4 ) 女主迷人




版权归作者所有,任何形式转载请联系作者。 作者:Lens(来自豆瓣) 来源://www.douban.com/doubanapp/dispatch?uri=/note/600572403/ 她曾是好莱坞永远的少女,但她说,“我想被允许变老……” 在去年新剧Netflix 《怪奇物语》(Stranger Things)中,44岁的薇诺娜·赖德饰演 //www.douban.com/doubanapp/dispatch?uri=/note/600572403/

 5 ) 恣意妄为的青春 真美好

  不得不承认是冲着noni去看这片子的 先抛开电影本身不说 16年前的noni和伊森真的是美的叫人嫉妒 noni的一颦一笑 举手投足间都是那一股清新和单纯 就连发怒的时候 也是觉得让人怜惜 有几分可爱 伊森那种颓废气场简直就是渗进骨子里 加上俊朗的外形 绝了 他们俩简简单单的打扮 真实的美好着 至于现在 noni慢慢变了 伊森也开始有大叔的趋势了 哎 青春 青春真美好 我眼睛是舍不得挪开那时候的他们
  再来简单说说电影 其实看着有点奇怪 有点脱节和前后不统一的感觉 前面讲毕业后进入社会的烦恼 一次又一次的碰壁 在现实中彷徨甚至颓废 就这样发展下去 深入的探讨一下 未尝不可 结果后面变成了爱情故事 有种拽过去的感觉在里面 倘若是深入探讨下毕业生的迷茫 人生观问题 爱情只是点缀一下 也许效果会更好 这片子最大的遗憾似乎就在这里 啥都有了 但平淡了些 实话实说 本身不是什么很好的电影 特别是又埋藏在好莱坞历史上佳片齐齐爆发的1994年 显得更不起眼 但它所想表达的东西 还是基本出来了 再加上那时候的noni 伊森 足够了
   恣意妄为 寻找自我 青春就是这样美好 美好的无论怎样度过 以后想起 都觉得是一种奢侈的浪费

 6 ) 因为Winona Ryder……

因为很喜欢Winona Ryder,所以在驴仔上下载了这部戏。
想不到Ben Stiller也可以拍并且导演这种类型的电影(因为对他了解不多,觉得他是拍娱乐搞笑片的)!
Winona Ryder在里面真的很漂亮,当时才22岁左右吧,果真是青春无敌啊!印象较深很深的是:她在里面皮肤好白皙哦!而且虽然穿的不怎么样,但别有一番味道(应该是“情人眼里出西施”吧!)

 7 ) I’ve never been serious about my future

It’s about the era when Ethan Hawke was still young and dandy, just like the one who was in the Before Sunrise & Before Sunset, when Winona Ryder was the pretty girl with a vibrant personality that I was fond of in my middle high school. How time flies! I have to quote this old saying even though it is definitely a cliché, like time waits no man, and some kinds of this, balabalabala.

I didn’t excerpt some sentence form this movie as my title. You’ve never been considerate about your future, my aunt said, you’re that kind of child who seems never grow up and who never consider seriously about anything, let alone your own future. The reason that this kind of conversation happened between my aunt and me other than my parents is that I really find communicating with them thoughtfully is a difficulty now. Sometimes I wondered what I lived for in my life but to find no answer, I got lost since I entered university. It’s unbelievable that I got my future under the control of my parents since most of my choices I made were decided by my parents or my whole family, such as which high school I would go, whether I should choose arts or science as my orientation in high school, which university and major I would aim to, and so on. Even I thought it was more than unbelievable, but ridiculous. How could I let my own life manipulated by them? That’s the cause who I am today, and the situation I get now.

Like Lelaina confided to the professional psychic in the call, It’s just that nothing is going down according to plan. This sentence could vividly figure out my life now, yep, my life is a mess, during the past more than twenty years, I strived to be some kind of extraordinary A students as my parents expected. They said we thought you should take biology and medics as your major ,they said we decided to send you to USA to fulfill your further study and get a PHD, they said we wanted you to leave your boyfriend because we didn’t like Japanese, they said we needed you to be focused on you scientific research and spent less time on sports and entertainment. So, I followed their decisions and quit my own interests and favorites. I used to blame them whenever I felt so pale about my life, full of desperation. Actually I have this planet of regret sitting on my shoulders that I didn’t fight and said no.

Seeking help from a professional psychic, I don’t know what’s other people’s opinions about this point of view, in my opinion it’s a healthy way to resolve personal problems, since there is no one actually can do some help in the desperation and confusion about myself and how can I decide who can be trusted? Maybe this angle is a little more, but that’s my true feelings.

Lelaina is a lucky one in this movie in that she finally climbed over the hill after graduation. The courage she got to face her career and true love needs great determination. All the obstacles in our life are set to catalyze us to be mature.

After having sex with Troy, Lelaina didn’t escape herself from that relationship, Vickie said, sex is the quickest way to ruin a friendship, I was upset when Troy said he was panic, it’s amazing to hear him said that:

Look, you are the only woman that I could ever commit myself to. I don’t want to lose you, I’ve never been in an experience like this before. I’ve never had sex with somebody that I loved before. But you can’t navigate me, Lelaina. I might do mean things, and I might hurt you, and I might run away without your permission, and you might hate me forever. And I know that that scares the shit out of you, because I’m the only real thing that you have.

After these words, Troy went on to the stage, This one’s for you, Lainie, he sung a song for her. But the estrangement between them let Lainie leave the bar. True love is always hard to get, nice couples need a period to overcome to reach the final happy destination. After all the misunderstandings clearing up, the lovers made the right choice to get together. They hugged and kissed in the front door of Lelaina’s house. Yeah, I have to say, I really like those fucking happy endings.

Reality Bites is a essential course each of us should endure when we face graduation, and face the confusion this society inflict us, that’s not an option. Until when we survive through these ups and downs we could find ourselves to be stronger person. The faith we lost in a moment, it will be seized finally. Be a strong person.

Here are some funny parts I caught in the movie:
Troy was fired because of stealing Snikers Bar, Snikers is my favorite too.
Vickie waked up the next morning after her guy left and noted the number and the name of that sex partner. Such a **** life style.
When these four guys paid in the shopping market counter, the rock music just started at that moment, then Lelaina and Vickie began to dance with the bright rhythm, the scenery is so impression that I could feel the infinite energy of youth in those four.

These are clips in Lelaina’s MV
I am not under any orders to make the world a better place.-----Troy
And you wonder why we never got involved.----Lelaina
I don’t want to get married because I see how my parents are.-----Vickie
My parents got divorced, when I was fourteen/five years old.------L/T
My mother actually goes to the bathroom with the door open.------V
I swore to myself I ‘d never get married.-------L
I want passion.
Would you two just do it and get it over with? I’m starving.------V
But the question remains, how can we repair all the damage we inherited? The answer is simple, the answer is… the-the-the answer is… I don’t know. ------L (Pizza. Pizza. Pizza. Ha ha, )

The first time I watched this movie was in one English class taught by a teacher I didn’t adore, after the movie, she asked the whole class one funny but realistic question, If you’re Lelaina in this movie, who will you choose,Michael or Troy? Anyone who decide to choose Michael please raise your hand. I can still remember only one girl raised her hand. Ms. ** just slightly smiled with no comments on our actions. Guess my choice on this question?

p.s. I like the music at the end of this movie, so touching.

stay (i missed you)
----- lisa loeb reality bites

  You say I only hear what I want to
  And you say I talk so all the time-so
  And I thought what I felt was simple
  And I thought that I don't belong
  And now that I am leaving
  Now I know that I did something wrong cause I missed you
  Yeah, I missed you
  And you say I only hear what I want to
  I don't listen hard
  I don't pay attention to the distance that you're running or to
  Anyone, anywhere
  I don't understand if you really care
  I'm only hearing negative, no no no - bad
  So I turned the radio on I turned the radio up
  And this woman was singing my song
  The lover's in love and the other's run away
  The lover is crying cause the other won't stay
  And some of us hover when we weep for the other who was dying
  Since the day they were born well
  Well this is not that
  I think that I'm throwing but I'm thrown
  And I thought I'd live forever but now I'm not so sure
  You try to tell me that I'm clever but that won't take me anyhow
  Or anywhere with you
  And you said that I was naive
  And I thought that I was strong
  I thought "hey I can leave, I can leave"
  But now I know that I was wrong cause I missed you
  Yeah I missed you
  You said "you caught me cause you want me
  And one day I'll let you go"
  You try to give away a keeper or keep me cause you know
  You're just too scared to lose
  And you say, "stay"
  You say I only hear what I want to

 8 ) 血盆大口或没有答案?









  • 张苑希
  • 推荐

作为一个正值23岁的人,我可以很负责任地说,电影把23岁的作描写得淋漓尽致啊。生气就随心所欲地发泄,吵架就是拼了命地反讽,使劲儿地尖酸刻薄,害怕责任,各种commitment issue……青春片挑了正当年的演员就已经成功的大半,wiona和ethan的青春气息和盛世美颜真是屏幕挡都挡不住!

  • 小小虫
  • 力荐

Ethan Hawke, Winona Ryder, and Ben Stiller, what would we expect more?

  • seren
  • 推荐

oh my god,Ethan Hawke is so attractive!!!和在Before Sunrise里的角色感觉是同一款的,好想和他谈恋爱(劳资很少玛丽苏的好吗),没有中字都看得这么心花怒放不管就要给五星。Winona也美爆了,好般配!

  • RealityBites
  • 力荐

“You see, Laney, this is all we need, a couple of smokes, a cup of coffee and a little bit of conversation. You and me and five bucks.”;[铁窗喋血]的五十个鸡蛋梗;颜值巅峰的WR和EH;-“顺便,每个人都会孤独地死去的”-“如果你真的信这句话,那你又在这儿找谁呢?”

  • 发不沾霓
  • 推荐

现实题材的大学毕业生阵痛期挣扎,不过后面发展成了chick flick。但伊桑霍克和薇诺娜的美貌拯救一切,Ben Stiller当导演的尝试还挺不一样。【字幕制作中,非常多。。。】

  • 米粒
  • 推荐

Ethan Hawke在这个电影里很不讨喜

  • |
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几根烟,热咖啡,聊会儿天,和你一起就没啥过不去的坎。结局虽然老套但困境依然无解,算是没有彻底妥协吧。Ben Stiller也有颜值可以抵抗Ethan Hawke的时候,神奇

  • kylegun
  • 力荐

Winona Ryder, Ethan Hawke.不是偶喜欢的那类。没有任何主题。

  • mayfog
  • 较差


  • shininglove
  • 推荐

All you have to be by the age of 23 is yourself.

  • 唐小万
  • 还行

结局幸福的想哭。。。Ethan Hawke 太帅,Winona是我最喜欢的女星,Ben Stiller很有才~~他不搞笑,为什么我一看见他的脸还想笑?

  • 海棠一生
  • 推荐


  • 和风莫吉托
  • 推荐


  • 树木夕凉
  • 还行

Reality Bites is really bad....

  • 大宸
  • 较差


  • 有心打扰
  • 还行

Honey,all you have to be by the age of 23 is yourself.

  • [已注销]
  • 还行


  • 左胸上的吸盘
  • 很差


  • 嘉沐難再續.K
  • 推荐


  • 梦之安魂曲
  • 还行


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